Bow Hunting | Broadhead Choices

Bow Hunting | Everything You Need to Know About Broadheads Take one stroll down the aisle of nearly any sporting goods store and you’ll be amazed. Rack after rack of broadheads, all coming in numerous different styles, sizes, and even colors. On each box, there are...

The importance of shot placement │ Making the perfect shot

Making it count │ Tips for making that perfect shot As bow hunters, we know that making a perfect shot on your target can mean the difference between a long night of tracking, or a big buck taking a ride in the back of the truck. However, as hunters sometimes we can...

Bow Hunting | The Shoulder Shot

The Need to Know of a Shoulder Hit Deer After a long sit, a buck you have hunted for 3 years comes within 25yards. He is broadside, you have a good lane, and the camera man is on him. The seemingly long and tense moment of aiming and taking the shot is regrettably...

Bow Hunting | Top 3 Early Season Stand Locations

Top 3 Stand Locations to Focus Your Early Season Hunting Bow hunters are beginning to get restless now. August has filled their memory cards and dreams of velvet bucks growing even more anticipation. Bows are tuned, broadheads screwed on, and bow hunting gear is...

Best Broadheads for Deer | Fixed or Mechanical Broadheads

The Classic Debate of Fixed versus Mechanical Broadheads, Which Will You Take To The Deer Stand? Fixed or Mechanical Broadheads? Hunters everywhere whether at archery shops or deer camps constantly toss the debate back and forth. This never ending debate among hunters...